Tag: Posts

Friday Flubs: I Don’t Think That’s The Kind of Party You Meant

Every Friday’s post is a collection of typos or grammatical errors I’ve spotted throughout the week. Sometimes they are things I find while out and about and sometimes they are things I find on the Internet. If you are anything like me, these typos drive you crazy, especially when they come from people who should know better.

I have to admit, when I was flipping through a mailer yesterday, this doozy made me laugh out loud.

Is it just me or would “potting party” be a better choice of words here? Continue reading “Friday Flubs: I Don’t Think That’s The Kind of Party You Meant”

You Wrote What? 10 Horrendous High School Paper Similes

Photo by fortherock.

High school students aren’t exactly the best writers on the face of the earth. Sometimes their enthusiasm goes too far, and sometimes they try too hard.

Take a look at some of these beauties produced by high school students:

Friday Flubs: Netflix and Other Sites That Should Know Better

Every Friday’s post is a collection of typos or grammatical errors I’ve spotted throughout the week. Sometimes they are things I find while out and about and sometimes they are things I find on the Internet. If you are anything like me, these typos drive you crazy, especially when they come from people who should know better.

This week’s Friday Flubs are all from Internet sites: Continue reading “Friday Flubs: Netflix and Other Sites That Should Know Better”

“War Horse” and Wire Cutters

Last night I got to see “War Horse.” Wow. This movie had me from the opening scenes, and I was enthralled the entire time. I left the theater with a greater appreciation for those who serve in our country’s wars and those who are affected by the horrible circumstances war-torn countries find themselves in.

The movie is moving, heart wrenching, sad and yet, still so hopeful. The story about a boy and his horse illustrates how war doesn’t just affect those fighting it, or those who lose loved ones, but everyone. Continue reading ““War Horse” and Wire Cutters”

The Art of Vintage Travel Posters

I have this thing for vintage travel posters. I love how they look. I love the colors, the fonts, and the iconic images. Really, I love everything about them.

When these posters were produced, people usually travelled by car, train or boat. Most of the retro-looking posters we see today come from the “Golden Age of Travel,” which spanned from 1910 to 1959. The design on the posters brings us back to an era when traveling was depicted as romantic and glamorous. Even some of the more common destinations are portrayed as exotic in these ads. Continue reading “The Art of Vintage Travel Posters”