Correct Punctuation Can Save Lives

Okay, the idea that a comma actually saved grandpa’s life might be a bit of an exaggeration. However, incorrect punctuation can change your message to a degree that can have lasting effects on your audience.

From a drastic change of meaning, to simply appearing unprofessional, copy with bad punctuation will harm your business.

Incorrect punctuation can alter the message you are trying to send, confusing your public so much that they don’t act on your message. For example, if the punctuation in a page of web copy isn’t correct, readers may not understand how to sign up for your service or even what the site’s purpose is.

On the other hand, incorrect punctuation can make your company look unprofessional, which makes your customers wary. If your brochure for prospective clients is full of punctuation errors, your image as an expert is diminished, and your public (potential clients) will no longer trust you. Without trust, the chances of landing new clients are small.

Both of these scenarios can have devastating effects on the success of your business. However, you don’t need to spend time perfecting your web or print copy — a freelance writer can do it for you. When you hire a writer, you hire a professional who knows how to communicate your company’s message in a way that causes action, while using correct punctuation that avoids confusion and loss of trust.

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