Friday Flubs: Two in One? Ouch!

Every Friday’s post is a collection of typos or grammatical errors I’ve spotted throughout the week. Sometimes they are things I find while out and about and sometimes they are things I find on the Internet. If you are anything like me, these typos drive you crazy, especially when they come from people who should know better.

This week’s flubs are admittedly hard to catch. Most of them were buried deep into the content and some are very subtle. But, no matter how small or how deep, they still have a negative impact on the overall quality of the content.

Another newspaper misspelling city names? That’s right. The photo caption spelling of Buford doesn’t match the one on the city sign in the photo. Oops!


This product description for a mobile app really isn’t the best. Especially when there are two grammatical mistakes within three lines. The editor for this blog needs a crash course on plural nouns!


In a news story, it’s very important that the copy is error free. Otherwise, your publication will lose credibility.


Some of these typos are small, but they have a big impact on how the copy reads. These are perfect examples of why editing is so important to your organization’s image. Letting typo-ridden copy make it to the public won’t help you build the professional image you are going for.


One thought on “Friday Flubs: Two in One? Ouch!

  1. LOVE your blog posts, Rachel! And you are quite an incredible talent…I’m sure I can use your services one day, if only I would get myself organized enough to know exactly what I need! Keep up the terrific work!

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