Tag: rewriting

Friday Flubs: You Are An “Expert?” + Four Pro Editing Tips

Every Friday’s post is a collection of typos or grammatical errors I’ve spotted throughout the week. Sometimes they are things I find while out and about and sometimes they are things I find on the Internet. If you are anything like me, these typos drive you crazy, especially when they come from people who should know better.

If you cringe at misspellings, this week’s Friday Flubs may be especially horrifying to you. Everyone misspells a word here and there, but people who claim to be experts really shouldn’t makeĀ huge spelling mistakes.

If you are an expert, typos can take away your credibility in an instant. If you think I’m exaggerating, take a look at these.


Oh boy. I don’t even need to read this bio. I know what I need to know: you don’t edit your work. Continue reading “Friday Flubs: You Are An “Expert?” + Four Pro Editing Tips”